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  • Define What Makes you Different:

Before you start brainstorming or writing a text, take some time to think about what makes your work unique: your mission, your vision and your values… These ideas should be the heart of your video; Without them, your audience will not be able to communicate with your brand on an emotional level.

  • Focus on One Value:

It’s time to choose and select the item you want to feature front and center in your movie once you’ve determined exactly how to distinguish your business from the competition. Whatever you decide, consider keeping your message to one or two key points because you don’t want to put too much effort into a single video.

  • Impactful Execution:

Now that you’ve made these fundamental decisions, it’s time to create your video content! Consider the type of narrative you want to convey with this video. Should it merely be a montage that depicts what it’s like to work at your organisation, or should it include a narrative story? The most important thing is to stay true to who your organisation is and how you want it to present itself to the outside world. There are many different styles from which you can choose to view your company’s personality.

  • Plan out your Script:

Preparing a script for a company culture film is different from doing so for moving whiteboards or product movies, which have a defined format. Instead, it is more akin to writing one for awards or event coverage. In order to avoid excluding what is significant in this situation—your firm’s ideals, the people who make it possible, and your audience—you want to get rid of the company terminology.

  • Establish your Tone:

Preparing a script for a company culture film is different from doing so for moving whiteboards or product movies, which have a defined format. Instead, it is more akin to writing one for awards or event coverage. In order to avoid excluding what is significant in this situation—your firm’s ideals, the people who make it possible, and your audience—you want to get rid of the company terminology.

  • Plan the Logistics:

Are you currently producing new video material or utilising your existing ones? In that case, who will fire it? When? Where? Do they require any special tools, outside aid, or your ability to manage an indoor production?

You need to create a clear plan because these are important questions that will be posed during the video creation process. No matter how modest your project is, success depends on everything being completed promptly and correctly.

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